Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Floods, Fire and Friends

My second post. One giant step for me. I am trying to make this a habit. Don't you have to do something at least seven times to make it a habit, or was that the title of a book that I am just incorporating into something? Anyways, here is what has been happening since my last post.

The Piute fire, which has been burning in the Lake Isabella mountains since June 28th is finally looking like it is almost finished. Thanks to some rain and lots of firefighters, the end is in sight. But the rain also brought flash flooding to the Lake Isabella area. Only certain parts of Lake Isabella were affected. My family has been fortunate to stay out of the path of both the fire and the floods. As most know, I commute each day to Bakersfield. This drive takes me through the canyon where the Kern River flows from the Lake. On Monday, the flash floods from the weekend had washed a lot of mud and ash from the fires into the river. The river was a dark brown color and the foam from some of the rapids was also brown in color. Luke and Adam were most interested in the change to the river. Adam told me in a surprised voice that "someone had done a pooh in the river", to which I took a teaching moment by the neck and said to him" that is right Adam, see what happens when we pooh in the river- yuck!" Both boys agreed and so hopefully I have done my part for nature! Only the future will tell.

Luke also told me last night when I was sitting on his bed after praying with him that Jesus is a superhero (they are kind of in to superheros) but he does not wear a cape, floats down and gets all the bad guys. And that he was Luke's friend. I told him that yes, Jesus is the very best hero and that he really is Luke's friend. To which Luke replied yes, okay Mommy that is enough discussion for tonight. Guess that ended the little spiritual moment!

And an unexpected bonus to my new blog- reconnection with friends(after only one post)! I suppose that is what this is all about anyway, staying in touch.

So there ends my tale of floods, fires and friends. Until next time.

1 comment:

BushlingX7 said...

I love the pooh in the river. Hopefully it will work and they won't want to turn the river brown with their pooh :->.