Yes, it has been awhile since my last post. But then I was never really that good at the journal thing. I thought that new technology would inspire me to be better and it has... to a point!
Anyways, I have to record Adam's most recent adventure as Superman (or so he thinks). So it is Sunday afternoon and I am trying to cook and get organized for the coming week. I hear the boys playing in the background so I am thinking... no fighting, playing nicely, things are good. Next thing I know, I hear Adam crying. I knew something was wrong because this cry was the pain cry different from the "my brother pinched me or talked to me wrong" cry. So I rush over to where the noise is coming from and find Adam and Luke at the bottom of the stairs. I could kind of figure out what was wrong because the boys had dragged all their pillows and blankets from their beds down the stairs and had made a little landing nest. So I ask Luke what happened and he told me that Adam jumped off the stairs. Come to find out he did not just jump, he did a runup to jump a little higher. So apparently on the way down (because you know that no matter how much you might wish that you were Superman, unfortunately the reality of gravity eventually catches up to you!) he did not quite clear the stair handrail and hit that with the heel of his foot. That was a lucky break for Mom as this meant that although the pain felt was quite high, the aftermath (ie broken bones or sprain) was relatively minor. As I was feeling around for broken bones or trying to see if he had sprained his ankle, I was thinking what fun we would have at the ER on a Sunday afternoon because with everyone else in the household away, that would mean not just one but two little boys to entertain. Not a problem right, because of course everyone knows how quickly you get seen at the Kern River Valley Hospital on a weekend!
All's well that end's well. But I am sure there will be more chapters to add to Adam's Adventures.
You have been tagged by me!! go to my blog for instructions. Have fun!!!
I have to admit that when Katherine is jumping off the furniture and bouncing off the walls my first thought is, "I don't have time for the ER tonight." I must have told her a dozen times in the past week that she better be careful and chill out because mommy is not in the mood to go to the hospital.
How have the twins adjusted to CTR 5? That's the same class as Kat and I'm hoping she likes it better than Sunbeams--she was kicked out twice in one Sunday in December.
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