Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Me Bad....

I looked at the last post date and thought yikes! Where have the last six odd months gone??? To summarize, it has been a very busy six months for me and the blogging just got pushed to the bottom of the list. But I have emerged from the ashes and march forward to blog.

I thought I would start off by adding some recent pics. Adam and Luke played their first season of basketball this year. I was hoping that some natural genetic talent might shine through for them.... not! But they did have a good time running as fast as they could into the padded wall at the end of the court. I think Luke and Adam both managed to make one basket each for the season during a game. Adam had a funny moment during the last game of the season. Jada was one of a few girls on the team. She is pictured three from the right in the team pic. Jada was more worried about who was looking at her than about the game; and rightly so because the ball was almost as big as she was! Anyways, Jada kind of lost track of where she was supposed to be. So Adam decided that he needed to help her out. As soon as Adam's team turned around to head down court, Adam would look for Jada, grab her hand and run up the court with her hand in hand. It was too cute.

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