Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Clifford's Sleepover

Luke's Kindergarten teacher has so many great ideas for motivating her students to read. At the beginning of the year, she allowed students to take home Clifford, The Big Red Dog, for a sleepover. Clifford comes to your house prepared. Mrs.Schafer has made him his own sleepover backpack made with Clifford material which comes complete with a Clifford book to read, Clifford's own blanket and pillow for bedtime and Clifford's journal of his many sleepover adventures. Each child adds to the journal and writes about what they did with Clifford at their home. We also added some pictures to our journal page which are posted here. You can see that both Luke and Adam welcomed Clifford into their nighttime routine. Clifford watched tv in the morning with the boys while they ate their cereal, he slept with Luke is his bed and Adam shared his gumballs with Clifford.

The boys were very sad when Clifford had to go to back to school for the next sleepover. But it was a very fun time while he was with us. :))))

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