Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Big School- The Boys Go to Kindergarten

August 24th, 2009 was a big day for Adam and Luke. The previous week, Adam, Luke and Mom attended Norris Elementary kindergarten orientation. The boys were very excited to meet their teachers, see the classroom they would be in and tour the elementary school campus.

Luke's teacher this year is Mrs.Schafer. She is the perfect teacher for Luke. She is very organized, has many years of experience as a mother, grandmother and kindie teacher. She is helping Luke to use words to express his emotions; something that Luke does not do very well. She is also helping him to be more socially interactive with his peers. Luke tends to try and direct people. To date, Luke is thriving in school. He loves to bring books home to read. Luke does not like eating in the cafeteria much; in fact he tells me in detail every night what he expects to see in his lunch bag the next day. I think that Luke's one unfullfilled desire about school is the fact that he does not get to ride the bus home. For some reason he thinks that riding the school bus is the pinnacle of the school day. I never hear the end of his requests to be in the school bus group. Sadly for him, this request will probably go unfullfilled this year.

Adam's teacher this year is Mrs. Ramey. She is the perfect teacher for Adam. She is young, pretty and very sweet. Adam fell in love with her the first day of school. He composed a love note for her his first week. Adam struggled a little bit the first couple of weeks in that he needed to figure out when he could be funny and silly and when he could not. Once he got that worked out and his teacher figured out how many times during the day he needs to go to the bathroom- then it was all good. Adam tells me he already has a girlfriend in his class. He is such a happy go lucky child it is no wonder that everyone loves him. Adam loves to eat in the cafeteria. He was also delighted to find out that you could buy extra milk. I am certain that he is helping other kids around him to eat their lunch as well :)))

There will be more on this chapter to come. For sure.

1 comment:

Karrie said...

The school bus IS the coolest thing at school! Didn't you know? :) My kids (the boys anyway) are fascinated with school buses... I think for boys it's the equivalent to riding on a trash truck. And we all know how cool THAT would be.

I think one of my nephews had Mrs. Ramey.